My Stuff
Re: VAT After Moving From Sage Accounts
Hi @BenP, per checking, the VAT Return is dependent on the Tax Period and the Tax Period is dependent on the transaction date. As long as the previous period is open and its transaction date is for t…1 -
Re: How will Voiding an Invoice affect the Revenue?
Hi @User_9MX5L, per checking, if you have deferred your revenue on the transaction, the accounts affected on the GL Impact of Invoice are Accounts Receivable and Deferred Revenue. Here's Invoice-0052…1 -
NetSuite Admin Tip: Track Lock Tasks and Closed Dates of Accounting Periods via Saved Search
Month-end close ensures balanced books and the accurate accounting of all transactions. This process helps prevent errors and fraud, maintaining the accuracy of financial statements. Creating a Saved…1 -
Re: Set Up Full Year - All Account Periods Open
Hi @User_64PY4, were you able to check the comment above? If you marked the Enable Accounting Period Window preference and set the Minimum Period Window Size = 1. The current period will be unlocked …1 -
Re: Balance Sheet result changed after Subsidiary become Inactive
Hi @Kedalene, you can remove that filter then add the Subsidiary filter then Click the chevron down arrow to select the Subsidiaries you want to include in the report: Hope this helps! :)1